/!\ Work In Progress /!\

During the community bounding time, the student is supposed to get more involved with the community of the free project. Especially, MoinMoin propose to focus on the following point :

I will try to describe here what I did during the community bounding time related to these points.

create and populate a homepage here on the wiki

Done here : DOM DocBook and HTML 2010 but I also created an homepage about what I am doing for MoinMoin ValentinJaniaut, and I also created several pages related to my work for the GSoC ValentinJaniaut/GSoC

Subscribe to the moin-user mailing list

I did it before I register for the GSoC

Get familiar with the moin community

I stayed on the two moin channels on freenode, try to help people, and give my opinion on some development issues.

Refine your project plan

I write some pages about my ideas for the implementation : DOM DocBook and HTML 2010/HTML-DOM and DOM DocBook and HTML 2010/DocBook-DOM, but it is not perfect yet. I am not so happy about it, because it is not 100% clear in my mind. I should keep working about it.

Setup your development machine

I am actually running MoinMoin on two different computer. One "big" laptop with Archlinux, and my small eeePC with Ubuntu. For these both computer I am using vim as text-editor, and just a terminal to run wikiserver, check the error. I do not think it is a good environment, because I need to restart wikiserver.py at each minor change in the code to test. I need to check tho other solution for a more comfortable environment.

Get familiar with mercurial

I am using mercurial since 2 years, so I know pretty well the basic usage of this tools. I am not a guru, but I run a hg repository on a server, and I use it for many different stuffs : piece of code, homework and so ... You can check about it here : http://hg.valeuf.org/hg/

Get familiar with py.test

I just read the different documentation we can find on http://codespeak.net/py/dist/test.html, it is not enough. I do not feel really confident about this tool yet. I should start to write some unit tess for my converter before I start coding.

Get familiar with moin usage

I run a wiki using MoinMoin on my server since 2008, and I am using it everyday. Check http://wiki.valeuf.org ! So I feel quite confident with most of the features of MoinMoin, and also some admin tricks.

Get familiar with moin code

I spent some couple of hours to read different part of the code related to the job I am going to achieve. Especially :

I also read previously, the code of the current DocBook converter for MoinMoin 1.X

After that, I gave a specific attention to converter2/html_out to see the equivalences between the DOM tree and HTML tags.

Impress us by submitting some nice patches

Before the GSoC I submitted this tiny patch for DocBook converter : MoinMoinPatch/IncludeMacroWithDocBookFormatter

TODO : Try to add support for some other MoinMoin syntax not yet supported in the html_out converter.

MoinMoin: ValentinJaniaut/GSoC/CommunityBoundingTimeReport (last edited 2010-05-17 21:11:10 by ThomasWaldmann)