There is a problem when I've got many (about 10) pictures embedded on one page. I can see the page, but only a few of the pictures get loaded and after that I return to the login screen. Does anyone know why?



It sounds like the session is getting closed due to a problem I discovered with how cookies are used to store the "opened categories". In other words the total number of cookie key-value pairs is too large. The limitation actually comes from the server-side implementation which uses environment variables to pass the cookie pairs to the python script for Moinmoin.


Reduce the number of Categories, as well as their size.


Here is a fix to the explorer.js file that only stores that last 10 categories (you may need to lower this value, search file for node_fifo_size). It's not perfect, but at least it allows you to keep all your categories and never have this problem occur: Also, I have made some other minor modifications to the python file that may be of interest. It is used for the WebWorks Documentation Wiki.

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Bugs/UserGetsLoggedOut (last edited 2009-08-20 20:41:23 by TonyMcDow)