MoinMoin! :)

Ова страница није ажурирана одавно, ако желите помоћи у преводу викија пратите упутства на MoinDev/Translation - IgorMiletic 2024-05-10

Please contact me, ThomasHorna, for all possible and impossible questions concerning translation into Serbian Language, one of ex-yugoslavian spoken Languages...

Here are 2 small web examples of Serbian language, which is: used, written and learned in Serbia equally, in two different alphabets:

cyrillic, (Yes, it is Wiki!)

and, latin (Yes, it's about BSD)

here is an example of alphabet:

cyrillic ->

same thing in latin ->

Great advantage of serbian cyrillic alphabet is that every letter is always pronounced as one syllable, in the same way, no matter if it is in a word or standing alone. It means, word consisting of 5 letters is made of 5 syllables, and those syllables are always pronounced in same way in every possible word on every position of this word. There are no syllables which need two letters to be pronounced, too. I don´t know for sure if its very unique attribute for a language, but it is :) very very nice thing for school pupils. Think about it...

my conclusion:
 Unicode plz come, your Way is hard I know...
quote from #moin: [09:53] <ThomasWaldmann> UNICODE, yeah!

Here You can see example of some cyrillic letters of serbian alphabet:



=== Missing texts ===

These items should ''definitely'' get fixed.

Maybe the corresponding english text in the source code was only changed
slightly, then you want to look for a similar text in the ''unused''
section below and modify i18n, so that it will match again.

 1. `'Full Text Search: "%s"'`
 1. `'Bad relogin URL.'`
 1. `'%(hits)d results out of %(pages)d pages.'`
 1. `'Title Search: "%s"'`
 1. `'Search:'`
 1. `'Unsubscribe'`
 1. `' Emphasis:: [[Verbatim(\'\')]]\'\'italics\'\'[[Verbatim(\'\')]]; [[Verbatim(\'\'\')]]\'\'\'bold\'\'\'[[Verbatim(\'\'\')]]; [[Verbatim(\'\'\'\'\')]]\'\'\'\'\'bold italics\'\'\'\'\'[[Verbatim(\'\'\'\'\')]]; [[Verbatim(\'\')]]\'\'mixed \'\'[[Verbatim(\'\'\')]]\'\'\'\'\'bold\'\'\'[[Verbatim(\'\'\')]] and italics\'\'[[Verbatim(\'\')]]; [[Verbatim(----)]] horizontal rule.\n Headings:: [[Verbatim(=)]] Title 1 [[Verbatim(=)]]; [[Verbatim(==)]] Title 2 [[Verbatim(==)]]; [[Verbatim(===)]] Title 3 [[Verbatim(===)]];   [[Verbatim(====)]] Title 4 [[Verbatim(====)]]; [[Verbatim(=====)]] Title 5 [[Verbatim(=====)]].\n Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items; 1.#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.\n Links:: [[Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)]]; [[Verbatim(["brackets and double quotes"])]]; url; [url]; [url label].\n Tables:: || cell text |||| cell text spanning 2 columns ||;    no trailing white space allowed after tables or titles.'`
 1. `'Sorry, can not save page because "%(content)s" is not allowed in this wiki.'`
 1. `"Passwords don't match!"`
 1. `'User'`

=== Possibly unused texts ===

Be ''very careful'' and double-check before removing any of these 
potentially unused items.

This program can't detect references done from wiki pages, from
UserPreferences options, from Icon titles etc.!

 1. `'Title search for "%s"'`
 1. `'Search'`
 1. `"Please use a more selective search term instead of '%(needle)s'!"`
 1. `'%(hits)d hits out of %(pages)d pages searched.'`
 1. `'Full Text search for "%s"'`

MoinMoin: SerbianTranslation (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:41 by localhost)