1 2010-01-10T00:13:58  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann, http://esyr.org:8080/lol?action=diff&rev2=5&rev1=4\
   2 2010-01-10T00:14:00  <eSyr> http://esyr.org:8080/lol?action=diff&rev2=5&rev1=4
   3 2010-01-10T00:17:24  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5408:4226fde63931 1.9/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py web/session.py): (log message trimmed)
   4 2010-01-10T00:17:24  <CIA-44> generate session cookie names to fix some issues (details see below)
   5 2010-01-10T00:17:24  <CIA-44> New setting cfg.cookie_name (default None).
   6 2010-01-10T00:17:24  <CIA-44> Please do not use cfg.cookie_path any more (usually should not be needed any more,
   7 2010-01-10T00:17:24  <CIA-44> we now always put path=/ into the cookie except if you explicitly configure
   8 2010-01-10T00:17:28  <CIA-44> something else).
   9 2010-01-10T00:17:30  <CIA-44> Problems addressed by this changeset:
  10 2010-01-10T00:18:23  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: can you use ...:&nbsp;...?
  11 2010-01-10T00:18:45  <eSyr> yes, of course.
  12 2010-01-10T00:19:09  <ThomasWaldmann> and add another header maybe?
  13 2010-01-10T00:19:36  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: see patch ^^
  14 2010-01-10T00:19:38  <eSyr> but, i think, it's better to use styles for that purpose
  15 2010-01-10T00:19:44  <eSyr> (about nbsp)
  16 2010-01-10T00:19:56  <ThomasWaldmann> ok, then use styles :)
  17 2010-01-10T00:20:02  <eSyr> mmm, header like "revision information"?
  18 2010-01-10T00:20:48  <ThomasWaldmann> yes, maybe even "Revision 4 information"  |  "Revision 5 information"
  19 2010-01-10T00:21:05  <eSyr> it's new rtanslation string then :)
  20 2010-01-10T00:21:09  <eSyr> *translation
  21 2010-01-10T00:21:09  <ThomasWaldmann> then we maybe could get rid of that very first line in diff output
  22 2010-01-10T00:21:53  <ThomasWaldmann> or just "revision 4 | revision 5"
  23 2010-01-10T00:22:20  <eSyr> well, single word "revision" is not in translation strings, too :(
  24 2010-01-10T00:25:57  <ThomasWaldmann> rev?
  25 2010-01-10T00:29:09  <eSyr> yes
  26 2010-01-10T00:30:00  <eSyr> or maybe msgid "Revision %(rev)d as of %(date)s"
  27 2010-01-10T00:30:14  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah
  28 2010-01-10T00:30:41  <eSyr> ok.
  29 2010-01-10T00:47:05  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann, please, check it out again.
  30 2010-01-10T00:50:49  <ThomasWaldmann> is the tunnel still active?
  31 2010-01-10T00:52:11  * dreimark tries the cs later
  32 2010-01-10T00:52:16  <dreimark> gn
  33 2010-01-10T00:53:03  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann, yes.
  34 2010-01-10T00:53:06  <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
  35 2010-01-10T00:54:55  <ThomasWaldmann> http://esyr.org:8080/lol?action=diff&rev2=5&rev1=4 wraps strangely
  36 2010-01-10T00:56:18  <ThomasWaldmann> if you could fix that and add same bg colour as below and first line looking like the "Line 2:" header, that would be great
  37 2010-01-10T00:57:01  <eSyr> please, refresh, i've changed css a bit
  38 2010-01-10T00:59:28  <ThomasWaldmann> yay. now the pinkish/blueish stuff.
  39 2010-01-10T01:00:36  <eSyr> mmmm, can you provide screenshot?
  40 2010-01-10T01:01:12  <ThomasWaldmann> the diff rows have a slight pinkish/blueish bg colour. your new stuff is just white bg.
  41 2010-01-10T01:02:56  <eSyr> yes, white bg and gray header.
  42 2010-01-10T01:03:00  <ThomasWaldmann> another thing I noticed is that the german translation "k.A." of en "N/A" looks a bit strange after Comment:
  43 2010-01-10T01:03:12  <eSyr> hm.
  44 2010-01-10T01:03:51  <eSyr> maybe, use just mdash insted of N/A?
  45 2010-01-10T01:04:00  <ThomasWaldmann> (because k.A. can mean "I have no idea" or "not given", depending on how you expand the abbreviation)
  46 2010-01-10T01:04:08  <ThomasWaldmann> or just nothing?
  47 2010-01-10T01:04:44  <eSyr> hm, then comment caption shouldn' be shown also.
  48 2010-01-10T01:06:29  <ThomasWaldmann> well, that there is no comment is also an info about comment. :)
  49 2010-01-10T01:07:07  <eSyr> well, hm, ok.
  50 2010-01-10T01:37:30  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/163845/
  51 2010-01-10T02:10:33  *** TheSheep has quit IRC
  52 2010-01-10T03:08:44  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 5409:c3822eacfe4a 1.9/MoinMoin/theme/__init__.py: theme/__init__.py: Exception "Calling add_msg() after send_title(): no message can be added." is replaced with warning and call stack information in log.
  53 2010-01-10T03:08:47  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 5410:dac434907110 1.9/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Information about revisions (number, timestamp, editor, size) in diff viewer.
  54 2010-01-10T03:08:49  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 5411:5b31c32179d4 1.9/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py web/session.py): Merge
  55 2010-01-10T03:12:05  <ThomasWaldmann> cool :)
  56 2010-01-10T03:39:26  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 5412:9baa4e79b813 1.9/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Some visual cleanup (CSS, styles) of revision information presentation in diff viewer.
  57 2010-01-10T03:59:24  <ThomasWaldmann> gn
  58 2010-01-10T04:36:14  *** eSyr has quit IRC
  59 2010-01-10T05:26:57  *** grzywacz has quit IRC
  60 2010-01-10T09:21:04  <dreimark> moin
  61 2010-01-10T09:21:27  <dreimark> there should be a one liner about the feature esyr has implemented
  62 2010-01-10T09:21:29  *** TheSheep has joined #moin-dev
  63 2010-01-10T09:21:32  <dreimark> as FR
  64 2010-01-10T09:31:15  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: we missed in the cookie patch that one can have many wikiconfig based wikis without a farmconfig
  65 2010-01-10T09:31:56  <dreimark> now these wikis share the same session var MOIN_SESSION_wikiconfig and you can only be logged in into one
  66 2010-01-10T09:38:18  <dreimark> and for  MoinMoin/script/moin.py server standalone --po082
  67 2010-01-10T09:38:31  <dreimark> it does not store the port in the cookie
  68 2010-01-10T09:39:05  <dreimark> --port=8081 uses the same cookie as --port=8082
  69 2010-01-10T10:19:26  * dreimark thinks the default should be urlmagic
  70 2010-01-10T10:24:20  <dreimark> that works in all of my testcases
  71 2010-01-10T10:25:36  <dreimark> (we missed nothing just the default needs to be changed)
  72 2010-01-10T11:05:17  *** eSyr has joined #moin-dev
  73 2010-01-10T11:07:19  <dreimark> eSyr: add a line to CHANGES in section New features:
  74 2010-01-10T11:07:45  <dreimark> may be also a FR on MM e.g. one line about it would be nice
  75 2010-01-10T11:12:51  <eSyr> mmm, what is MM?
  76 2010-01-10T11:12:59  <dreimark> MoinMoin
  77 2010-01-10T11:13:07  <eSyr> ah, i see.
  78 2010-01-10T11:14:20  * dreimark new patch for editmoin http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37672990/editmoin.patch
  79 2010-01-10T11:40:50  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 5413:b19f3bd50324 1.9/docs/CHANGES: CHANGES: Added information about c3822eacfe4a; dac434907110, 9baa4e79b813.
  80 2010-01-10T11:42:38  <ThomasWaldmann> re
  81 2010-01-10T11:45:42  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: see HelpOnSessions
  82 2010-01-10T11:54:06  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: i have recogn. if i would migrate my 1.8 wiki server i have to change the default in each wiki
  83 2010-01-10T11:54:21  <dreimark> because I don't have setup a farmconfig
  84 2010-01-10T11:55:10  <dreimark> cfg.siteid is in that case always wikiconfig
  85 2010-01-10T12:02:07  <eSyr> dreimark, for which version of editmoin does your patch apply? launchpad trunk?
  86 2010-01-10T12:07:33  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ok, you can change the default to behave like urlmagic
  87 2010-01-10T12:10:34  <ThomasWaldmann> (the other thing could be 'siteidmagic' then)
  88 2010-01-10T12:14:16  <dreimark> eSyr: to this one http://labix.org/download/editmoin/editmoin-1.10.1.tar.gz
  89 2010-01-10T12:14:32  <dreimark> i have not thought about that it can be a different one
  90 2010-01-10T12:14:55  <dreimark> may be i misunderstood http://labix.org/editmoin
  91 2010-01-10T12:52:38  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/163948/
  92 2010-01-10T12:52:46  <dreimark> wording ok?
  93 2010-01-10T12:54:10  *** eSyr has quit IRC
  94 2010-01-10T12:54:22  *** eSyr has joined #moin-dev
  95 2010-01-10T12:58:55  <dreimark> eSyr: comments to http://paste.pocoo.org/show/163948/ ?
  96 2010-01-10T13:02:53  <eSyr> dreimark, hm, all looks ok.
  97 2010-01-10T13:12:41  <CIA-44> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 5414:b0c8c2f225f3 1.9/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py web/session.py):
  98 2010-01-10T13:12:41  <CIA-44> Changed default of cfg.cookie_name to use some URL components to make up some name.
  99 2010-01-10T13:12:41  <CIA-44> This was the previous named 'urlmagic' (cs 5408:4226fde63931).
 100 2010-01-10T13:12:41  <CIA-44> If you want to set the cfg.siteid as name for the cookie set cfg.cookie_name = "siteidmagic".
 101 2010-01-10T13:12:43  <CIA-44> If name is not None (and not 'siteidmagic'), we just use the given name.
 102 2010-01-10T13:14:16  <CIA-44> Eugene Syromyatnikov <evgsyr@gmail.com> default * 470:67b064b600e9 extensions/data/plugin/action/CheckTranslation.py: Handling situation with page name translation string set to original page name.
 103 2010-01-10T13:15:34  <eSyr> (now Renato Silva will be a little bit happier, i hope)
 104 2010-01-10T13:16:12  <eSyr> dreimark, btw, thanks for editmoin patch.
 105 2010-01-10T13:17:08  <eSyr> i need to change multiple pages on master 19 and usually used editmoin for such task and now i able to use those old scripts again.
 106 2010-01-10T13:33:33  <dreimark> :)
 107 2010-01-10T13:49:34  <eSyr> (but i've patched it so it don't ask password on every edit)
 108 2010-01-10T14:06:41  <eSyr> dreimark, looks like editmoin isn't working on moinmaster.
 109 2010-01-10T14:07:05  * dreimark looks
 110 2010-01-10T14:07:27  <eSyr> auth looks ok, but when trying to save, "please use interactive interface" error returned.
 111 2010-01-10T14:09:06  <dreimark> eSyr: works for me
 112 2010-01-10T14:09:24  <eSyr> ok then.
 113 2010-01-10T14:09:35  <dreimark> i upload on my home page my version of editmoin
 114 2010-01-10T14:11:36  <dreimark> ~/.moin_ids
 115 2010-01-10T14:11:41  <dreimark> http://master19.moinmo.in/ ReimarBauer
 116 2010-01-10T14:11:59  <dreimark> eSyr: http://moinmo.in/ReimarBauer?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=editmoin
 117 2010-01-10T14:12:03  <eSyr> hm...
 118 2010-01-10T14:12:14  <eSyr> looks like something wrong with non-english page names.
 119 2010-01-10T14:12:49  <dreimark> thats a different bug / issue with editmoin
 120 2010-01-10T14:12:54  <dreimark> then
 121 2010-01-10T14:12:58  <johill> could include sort the pages?
 122 2010-01-10T14:13:11  <eSyr> yes, i'll try to figure it out.
 123 2010-01-10T14:13:25  <johill> I have dict-like pages that all contain " foo:: 7" and I'd like to sort by that number when including them, hmm
 124 2010-01-10T14:16:24  <dreimark> johill: you don't want a table from those dicts? see http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/extensions/file/67b064b600e9/data/plugin/macro/CollectLists.py
 125 2010-01-10T14:16:34  <dreimark> this makes a table
 126 2010-01-10T14:17:05  * dreimark found it easier to handle large tables by these dict pages
 127 2010-01-10T14:17:54  <johill> no
 128 2010-01-10T14:18:29  <johill> there's too much text and stuff, it's not really suitable for a table
 129 2010-01-10T14:20:03  <johill> here we go again, my moin is crawling all pages
 130 2010-01-10T14:20:18  <johill> if I could get a backtrace now somehow ...
 131 2010-01-10T14:25:21  <johill> oh I can
 132 2010-01-10T14:27:15  *** grzywacz has joined #moin-dev
 133 2010-01-10T14:27:22  * johill discovers http://wiki.python.org/moin/DebuggingWithGdb
 134 2010-01-10T14:29:05  <johill> wow that takes forever
 135 2010-01-10T14:30:43  <johill> lots of cpu time
 136 2010-01-10T14:32:21  <dreimark> i wished i have an idea how to reproduce that. may be i should setup a lighty test system
 137 2010-01-10T14:35:31  <johill> ok ... doh
 138 2010-01-10T14:35:41  <johill> MoinMoin/macro/RecentChanges.py (156): print_abandoned
 139 2010-01-10T14:41:18  <johill> so I guess that is really required to open all pages
 140 2010-01-10T14:44:04  <dreimark> pages = request.rootpage.getPageList()
 141 2010-01-10T14:44:09  <dreimark> is since 1.5
 142 2010-01-10T14:44:24  <johill> right
 143 2010-01-10T14:44:45  <johill> maybe something changed and now it's caching those kind of accesses and wasn't before?
 144 2010-01-10T14:44:48  <johill> or something like that?
 145 2010-01-10T14:44:50  <dreimark> the problem may be that because of the migration
 146 2010-01-10T14:45:02  * dreimark looks for a bug report
 147 2010-01-10T14:45:16  <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/MigrationBreaksAbandonedPages
 148 2010-01-10T14:47:23  <johill> hm
 149 2010-01-10T14:47:37  <johill> I didn't migrate anything from 1.8 to 1.9 though, should I have?
 150 2010-01-10T14:49:14  <dreimark> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/b0c8c2f225f3/MoinMoin/script/migration/1089999.py
 151 2010-01-10T14:49:37  <dreimark> if you have used twikidraw the file format has changed to a container
 152 2010-01-10T14:50:09  <dreimark> and of cource it changes the meta file to 1090000
 153 2010-01-10T14:50:22  <johill> never used the drawing so that's ok
 154 2010-01-10T14:52:26  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: why is def print_abandoned(macro): in RecentCahnges defined and not the AbandonedPages itselfs?
 155 2010-01-10T14:55:09  <dreimark> pages = request.rootpage.getPageList(include_underlay=False)
 156 2010-01-10T14:55:48  <dreimark> because underlay pages can't be abandoned on default they are always new files
 157 2010-01-10T14:57:45  <johill> good point
 158 2010-01-10T14:58:45  <dreimark> such a change had speed up the taglists macro on python.de
 159 2010-01-10T14:59:18  <johill> but otoh even removing the item cache didn't fix my memory problem
 160 2010-01-10T15:00:09  <dreimark> johill: does it increase without doing a request?
 161 2010-01-10T15:01:39  <johill> it doesn't do anything without requests, so that seems unlikely
 162 2010-01-10T15:01:45  <johill> but of course I do get a lot of requests
 163 2010-01-10T15:02:56  <dreimark> do you have xapian enabled because that blocks someone doing a . text search
 164 2010-01-10T15:03:10  <johill> no
 165 2010-01-10T15:03:35  <johill> but it seems unlikely that somebody would routinely do that
 166 2010-01-10T15:04:58  <dreimark> in my tests I have seen that any kind of search, e.g. Categories do increase the memory in use
 167 2010-01-10T15:05:06  <dreimark> but it does not run away
 168 2010-01-10T15:05:40  <dreimark> if i wait long enough i can see that it also decreases again
 169 2010-01-10T15:05:47  <johill> well it depends I guess
 170 2010-01-10T15:06:02  <johill> if it goes above like 100M I have to kill it
 171 2010-01-10T15:08:56  <johill> hm
 172 2010-01-10T15:10:01  <johill> dreimark: include_underlay=False doesn't improve performance
 173 2010-01-10T15:10:46  <johill> dreimark: in fact, looking at the code, it probably makes it slower
 174 2010-01-10T15:10:56  <dreimark> also not on the AbandonedPages page where that macro is called
 175 2010-01-10T15:11:11  <johill> well I changed that but it's not use
 176 2010-01-10T15:18:43  * dreimark reviews other request.rootpage.getPageList()
 177 2010-01-10T15:18:56  <johill> but adding that doesn't help
 178 2010-01-10T15:18:58  <johill> it just makes it slower
 179 2010-01-10T15:19:13  <johill> since then it first builds the list and then iterates it
 180 2010-01-10T15:19:17  <johill> well ok
 181 2010-01-10T15:19:25  <johill> it makes the callee faster by not operating on so many pages
 182 2010-01-10T15:19:34  <johill> but the question is who does more work ...
 183 2010-01-10T15:19:52  <dreimark> yes
 184 2010-01-10T15:20:16  <dreimark> but also you told something is accessing all pages
 185 2010-01-10T15:20:27  <johill> which is getPageList()
 186 2010-01-10T15:20:40  <johill> but it also does that if you call getPageList(include_underlay=False)
 187 2010-01-10T15:20:55  <johill> it doesn't skip underlay, it opens each page to see if it's underlay
 188 2010-01-10T15:24:22  <dreimark> thats not optimal
 189 2010-01-10T15:25:29  <eSyr> dreimark, i've found issue with editing.
 190 2010-01-10T15:25:51  <eSyr> dreimark, ticket need to be quoted before sending in post at sendpage
 191 2010-01-10T15:26:25  <dreimark> eSyr: can you make a diff to my version
 192 2010-01-10T15:26:57  <dreimark> i wonder that it works for me without that quoting
 193 2010-01-10T15:28:24  <eSyr> dreimark, because you haven't try to edit non-english pages :)
 194 2010-01-10T15:29:00  <dreimark> ok
 195 2010-01-10T15:29:17  <dreimark> johill: http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/b0c8c2f225f3/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/wiki_groups.py#l69
 196 2010-01-10T15:29:27  <dreimark> this was also a change in 1.9.
 197 2010-01-10T15:29:46  <dreimark> can you try in a testwiki to setup config_groups
 198 2010-01-10T15:30:25  <dreimark> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/b0c8c2f225f3/wiki/config/more_samples/groups_wikiconfig_snippet
 199 2010-01-10T15:31:01  <eSyr> dreimark, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/163994/
 200 2010-01-10T15:31:24  <johill> dreimark: hm not sure?
 201 2010-01-10T15:40:03  <eSyr> hehe, intresting, how quickly i'll be banned on master 19/
 202 2010-01-10T15:40:20  <dreimark> currently i wonder a bit how often the WikiGroups code is accessed also on pages where I don't have acls and which are no Group pages
 203 2010-01-10T15:40:45  <dreimark> eSyr: edited too fast - me guesses
 204 2010-01-10T15:41:27  <eSyr> dreimark, yes, i forgot to insert sleep in one-liner.
 205 2010-01-10T15:41:33  <johill> dreimark: my themes use group code too
 206 2010-01-10T16:14:12  *** tpfennig has joined #moin-dev
 207 2010-01-10T17:28:21  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5415:f483516b49c0 1.9/MoinMoin/i18n/ (43 files): updated i18n
 208 2010-01-10T17:28:24  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5416:7ccda0ee5bfd 1.9/wiki/underlay.tar: updated underlay
 209 2010-01-10T18:29:58  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5417:f87dcdb71463 1.9/docs/CHANGES: updated CHANGES
 210 2010-01-10T19:15:50  *** evgSyr has joined #moin-dev
 211 2010-01-10T19:16:30  *** eSyr has quit IRC
 212 2010-01-10T19:25:24  * ThomasWaldmann tries to deal with the cookie_lifetime upgrade issue from 1.8 to 1.9
 213 2010-01-10T19:35:49  <evgSyr> ThomasWaldmann, wha do you think about http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/WerkzeugErrorWithNonAsciiPath http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/LineNumberAnchorsInPreformattedText ?
 214 2010-01-10T19:48:55  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5418:ad132d9bd526 1.9/ (MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py docs/CHANGES): deal gracefully with cookie_lifetime/anonymous_session_lifetime upgrade issue
 215 2010-01-10T19:54:15  <ThomasWaldmann> evgSyr: that non-ascii path issue is likely a werkzeug problem, but I don't care much, using non-ascii pathes and filenames is just asking for problems
 216 2010-01-10T19:55:27  <ThomasWaldmann> (and unix filenames are just bytestrings, they don't need to use same encoding even, thus converting them to unicode is just asking for more trouble)
 217 2010-01-10T19:56:25  <evgSyr> ThomasWaldmann, i've writen bugreport to werkweug, but they haven't reacted anyhow.
 218 2010-01-10T19:56:35  *** evgSyr is now known as eSyr
 219 2010-01-10T19:57:43  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann, the other solution is encoding session id to system file encoding, hm.
 220 2010-01-10T19:57:47  <ThomasWaldmann> you can talk to mitsuhiko on #pocoo
 221 2010-01-10T20:03:37  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: isn't the self.lineno incremented too early?
 222 2010-01-10T20:09:25  * ThomasWaldmann added some comments to that page
 223 2010-01-10T20:09:41  <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/LineNumberAnchorsInPreformattedText what do you think?
 224 2010-01-10T20:15:40  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: I don't understand how changing pre to div changes anything
 225 2010-01-10T20:18:26  <ThomasWaldmann> i guess putting lineanchors into pre would look rather ugly :)
 226 2010-01-10T20:18:52  <TheSheep> why?
 227 2010-01-10T20:19:03  <ThomasWaldmann> because you would just see them?
 228 2010-01-10T20:19:10  <TheSheep> you couldn't
 229 2010-01-10T20:19:24  <TheSheep> pre only affects whitespace
 230 2010-01-10T20:19:33  <TheSheep> you still have to escape <, > and &
 231 2010-01-10T20:19:38  *** tpfennig has quit IRC
 232 2010-01-10T20:19:45  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: ^^
 233 2010-01-10T20:19:59  <TheSheep> sure, the html validator will complain...
 234 2010-01-10T20:22:19  <eSyr> hm, i'm no sure that placing tags inside pre is a good idea.
 235 2010-01-10T20:22:29  * eSyr goes to read html standard
 236 2010-01-10T20:22:38  <TheSheep> the standard doesn't allow tags
 237 2010-01-10T20:23:24  <TheSheep> actually, it does
 238 2010-01-10T20:23:26  <TheSheep> Inline elements except IMG, OBJECT, BIG, SMALL, SUB, SUP, FONT, BASEFONT
 239 2010-01-10T20:23:37  <TheSheep> so you can put a span in there
 240 2010-01-10T20:24:47  <TheSheep> the w3c examples show a <pre><code>some code here</code></pre>
 241 2010-01-10T20:25:12  <ThomasWaldmann> someone(tm) will have to do some browser compatibility testing for such a change, esp. for IE
 242 2010-01-10T20:26:31  <TheSheep> I hear you
 243 2010-01-10T20:35:05  * ThomasWaldmann throws a needle in the channel
 244 2010-01-10T20:38:43  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: i guess introducing lineanchors would be a nice thing as long as we can make sure we don't have regressions (for some browsers)
 245 2010-01-10T20:39:05  <TheSheep> the text.py will double the newlines
 246 2010-01-10T20:39:08  <TheSheep> in that path
 247 2010-01-10T20:39:10  <TheSheep> patch
 248 2010-01-10T20:39:33  <TheSheep> ah, no, it does a split on \n
 249 2010-01-10T20:39:44  <TheSheep> then it will produce an extra \n at the end
 250 2010-01-10T20:45:07  <TheSheep> eSyr: if you used the re.split that is used in the pygments parser instead, then the newline would be preserved
 251 2010-01-10T20:47:48  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, who is using jabber?
 252 2010-01-10T20:53:56  * TheSheep 
 253 2010-01-10T20:54:08  <TheSheep> but I don't use notification, I prefer rss
 254 2010-01-10T20:54:15  <TheSheep> no interrupts
 255 2010-01-10T20:56:42  * ThomasWaldmann is currently looking at the moin jabber stuff, iirc it is still broken due to missing maintenance
 256 2010-01-10T21:03:57  * dreimark could test ie8
 257 2010-01-10T21:04:15  <TheSheep> the <spans> inside <pre> seem to be working, that's how pygments does the colorization anyways
 258 2010-01-10T21:06:11  <ThomasWaldmann> ah, great
 259 2010-01-10T21:36:41  <ThomasWaldmann> gna, it tells pyxmpp in u9.04 is too old, wtf
 260 2010-01-10T21:45:03  * ThomasWaldmann talks to the bot after getting pyxmpp 1.0.1
 261 2010-01-10T23:08:38  <ThomasWaldmann> yay, jabberbot stuff works (with some dirty hacks)
 262 2010-01-10T23:36:22  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5419:5eaec9412317 1.9/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/__init__.py:
 263 2010-01-10T23:36:22  <CIA-44> fixed xmlrpc auth calls used by jabberbot (needs more work, see below)
 264 2010-01-10T23:36:22  <CIA-44> getJabberAuthToken now creates a session for the user that has this jid stored
 265 2010-01-10T23:36:22  <CIA-44> in his user profile (is this enough for authentication of that user?).
 266 2010-01-10T23:36:22  <CIA-44> The code has still some ugly workaround (see XXX and TODO in getJabberAuthToken)
 267 2010-01-10T23:36:25  <CIA-44> and needs more work.
 268 2010-01-10T23:36:27  <CIA-44> Added debug logging for some xmlrpc calls.
 269 2010-01-10T23:42:16  <CIA-44> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5420:be610b894f10 1.9/jabberbot/bot.py: jabberbot: clarified pyxmpp requirements

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2010-01-10 (last edited 2010-01-09 23:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)