2007-11-18T00:00:59  <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. re.search(u"^ Summary:: (.*)$", re.U | re.M)
2007-11-18T00:17:29  <xorAxAx> ok, the script is working for easytodo pages now
2007-11-18T00:24:47  <xorAxAx> do we have any non-code bugs?
2007-11-18T00:25:32  <ThomasWaldmann> some stuff is "check"
2007-11-18T00:28:18  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, the stuff in () should be removed
2007-11-18T00:28:38  <xorAxAx> it only catches the first line if you mean the summary
2007-11-18T00:28:45  <xorAxAx> ok, importer is working pretty well (the input part of it)
2007-11-18T00:29:07  <xorAxAx> i will add the i18n stuff to it tomorrow and do the first "output"-test run
2007-11-18T00:34:23  <CIA-32> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2345:4af03a794daf 1.6/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py: move proxy support calls to a place where they are called by standalone and Twisted, too
2007-11-18T10:28:19  <grzywacz> http://labix.org/mocker
2007-11-18T10:28:23  <grzywacz> Moin powered, at that. ;)
2007-11-18T10:29:22  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: niemeyer is even on our irc channel sometimes
2007-11-18T10:30:36  <grzywacz> cool :)
2007-11-18T10:31:21  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: if you like, you can start creating the task pages on the wiki today
2007-11-18T10:31:30  <xorAxAx> i will return in the afternoon and finish the importer script
2007-11-18T10:31:57  <xorAxAx> to create those pages, there is a newpage macro on the easytodo page
2007-11-18T10:32:19  <grzywacz> Ok, will take a look later.
2007-11-18T10:32:29  <grzywacz> I have to leave in a moment to bring some hot tea to unicef people giving out fliers on the market square ;-)
2007-11-18T10:32:39  <xorAxAx> cool :)
2007-11-18T10:33:12  <grzywacz> No idea what's the weather in Germany, but we're covered with snow since 1.5 week or so. ;-)
2007-11-18T10:33:18  <grzywacz> Hm.
2007-11-18T10:33:32  <grzywacz> we've been covered with snow for 1.5 week :P
2007-11-18T10:33:42  <xorAxAx> no snow here
2007-11-18T10:33:57  <xorAxAx> and it will become warmer again in the next days
2007-11-18T10:34:03  <grzywacz> Good thing I commute to work by train. Trains usually don't care about snow, ice and traffic jams.
2007-11-18T10:34:06  <grzywacz> ;-)
2007-11-18T10:34:12  <xorAxAx> (which i wont notice because i will fly to sweden tomorrow where it is already warmer than here)
2007-11-18T10:34:20  <grzywacz> huh
2007-11-18T10:34:25  <grzywacz> That's not fair. ;-)
2007-11-18T10:34:32  <xorAxAx> well, a few degrees
2007-11-18T10:34:50  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: its the pypy sprint
2007-11-18T10:34:57  <grzywacz> ah ok
2007-11-18T10:35:01  <grzywacz> In Sweden?
2007-11-18T10:35:34  <xorAxAx> yes, this time its in sweden
2007-11-18T10:35:57  <grzywacz> Nice. Have fun :)
2007-11-18T10:36:04  <xorAxAx> thanks :)
2007-11-18T10:36:38  * xorAxAx leaves for birthday lunch of my sister
2007-11-18T10:38:06  * grzywacz leaves to buy some cookies in addition to the tea ;)
2007-11-18T11:29:33  <grzywacz> Mission completed.
2007-11-18T11:33:05  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-11-18T12:03:11  <ThomasWaldmann> bbl
2007-11-18T14:29:00  <dreimark> moin
2007-11-18T14:29:01  <dreimark> http://test.wikiwikiweb.de/ReimarBauer/NestedReverted
2007-11-18T14:29:26  <dreimark> shows the diff to revert the nestings I have added.
2007-11-18T14:29:45  <dreimark> with that SyntaxReference is broken
2007-11-18T14:35:42  <dreimark> bbl
2007-11-18T16:51:46  <xorAxAx> hi
2007-11-18T16:52:15  <xorAxAx> sigh
2007-11-18T16:53:18  <xorAxAx> grzywacz: dont forget to create the pages :)
2007-11-18T16:53:29  <xorAxAx> (sigh because reimar had a pretty long summary line)
2007-11-18T19:32:05  <dreimark> textcha seems to have a problem
2007-11-18T19:41:29  <dreimark> started to edit without and recognized now how nice Load from draft is :)
2007-11-18T19:52:19  <xorAxAx> dreimark: the short description must be long enough to cover the whole task. one sentence is not enough
2007-11-18T20:35:41  <xorAxAx> omg, i have to do the word wrapping for google
2007-11-18T21:18:03  <CIA-32> moin: Alexander Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de> default * 2346:7791541c411d 1.6/contrib/googleimport/ (__init__.py driver.py googlepush.py): Added importer from the moinmoin wiki site to the google code project hosting issue tracker.
2007-11-18T21:23:11  <xorAxAx> TheSheep: do you know http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Creoleparser/0.3.1?
2007-11-18T22:04:07  <TheSheep> xorAxAx: yes
2007-11-18T22:04:13  <xorAxAx> is it good?
2007-11-18T22:04:40  <TheSheep> no idea
2007-11-18T22:04:55  <TheSheep> he came some two or three weeks ago
2007-11-18T22:06:11  <TheSheep> he uses Genshi
2007-11-18T22:06:56  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-11-18T22:07:04  <TheSheep> moin ThomasWaldmann
2007-11-18T22:19:01  <xorAxAx> TheSheep: ah, its also a renderer
2007-11-18T22:32:30  * xorAxAx will return tomorrow in the afternoon
2007-11-18T23:14:08  <ThomasWaldmann> moin starshine
2007-11-18T23:43:42  <dreimark> gn

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-11-18 (last edited 2007-12-22 22:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)