Today key points

1. Updated the old crs with some small patches.

2. Get familiar with blinker, Flask Signals and the related moin code. The signals are emitted on every necessary action, the only thing necessary is to detect which action caused the signal from user's point of view (a delete and a rename can be different for a user and respectively different information should be delivered). One possible way is the action meta - i.e. on rename the action = RENAME.

3. Investigated the issue with user notifications. A good approach is to use jinja templates for some fancy stuff. The chunks of language dependent text can be translated via the usual babel ext methods _().

4. Created some static html files with samples for notifying on item modify, rename, delete, create and send to ThomasWaldmann and TheSheep to get some UI feedback and detect rendering glitches using other email clients than gmail and thunderbird (tested by me). The templates were implemented by following guidelines from mailchimp and Also used

Tomorrow TODOs

1. Prepare jinja templates - a base file and extended templates

2. Create a function for sending notifications connected to item_modified signal

MoinMoin: AnaBalica/GSOC-2013-Diary/2013-07-08 (last edited 2013-07-08 21:04:42 by 178-168-27-172)